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My name is Courtney and I'm the owner and creator of Court's Curio Shop. I currently live in Wisconsin with my co-owner Chad, and I'm currently 28 years old. Some basic things about me: I have three cats, I love video games and have been playing them since I was a toddler, and I love watching anime!

As a child, I always had a fascination with all things geology. When we learned about it in third grade, I couldn't get it out of my mind. I would spend hours outside during all seasons, looking for cool rocks in my yard, in parks, and on the beach. As I grew older, I still had a deep love for geology, but grew apart from it as I became preoccupied with trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life and how I was going to achieve those goals. After graduating high school, I had my heart set on going to school for Anthropology, but that plan fell through... so I went into the workforce full-time to give myself some time to figure out what my new plan was going to be.

I worked retail for the first 8 years of my working career, and then COVID struck and closed the store I was working at for months. Out of a job, I ended up getting a job at a fulfillment center on third shift, and I've been there ever since. I also still work my old retail job as a second job, and I've gone back to school... but this time for computer programming.

During the pandemic, I downloaded a little app called TikTok, and my love for geology was suddenly awoken, and flung back to the front of my brain. I saw a few small business owners selling crystals, and my eyes lit up. Any hopes I had of going to school for geology or anything related to it were thrown in the garbage after being constantly discouraged by others telling me I'd never find a real job with that type of degree.  I thought I had to give up on my love for geology, and keep it as just a hobby I sometimes had money to indulge in. But thanks to TikTok and the small business owners selling crystals and other spiritual products, I flung myself back into researching geology, and getting in touch with my spiritual side for the first time. It was then that I decided that I wanted to try my hand at opening my own crystal shop as a way to fulfill that love for geology, and use it as a way to be able to learn more about it every day.

I'm certainly no expert, and I learn more and more every day, but I am passionate about crystals, rocks and minerals of all kinds. I'm nervous and excited to open my own shop with a piece of my personality embedded in it. I filed an application to create my LLC back in January of 2022, but had been dragging my feet on getting my website up and running due to fears I would fail, fears I would make mistakes, fears I wouldn't be able to find quality wholesale partners, and fears I would be putting too much on my plate. While watching these other small businesses grow at a rapid pace and have so many types of unique, quality products was a huge motivator for me, it also slowly became discouraging because I couldn't help but compare the little amount of things I have to others. But I woke up, and realized every small business has to start somewhere, and I'll never succeed if I don't try. I recognize I am no master of business, and no master of geology, but both of these things I have had a passion for since I was young. So, I may not be the most experienced shop owner around, but I am dedicated to learning, growing and consistently making myself and my business flourish.

With that being said, no small business can grow without customers and supporters. I recognize that starting at square one means having neither of those things, but I look forward to making them as my website opens. As someone who has done their fair share of research on owning an e-commerce retail business, and someone who has done their fair share of research on geology, I don't know everything. Because of my limited amount of experience, I want to open myself and the business up for all types of feedback, advice, and constructive criticism. I'll never know what I need to change, what I could change for the better, or what I'm doing well without the feedback from those who choose to purchase from my business and support me. Constructive, kind criticism is one of the most valuable things a small business can receive from their customers and supporters, and I will always be 100% open to any and all suggestions, even if I cannot implement all of them. So, if anyone who purchases from our shop has any constructive comments, feedback or advice... we would love to hear from you. Truly, a small business cannot grow without the support and feedback from the supporters.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to connect with many of you!

For any issues, please contact us using the Contact Us section of our website, or email us directly at courtscurioshop@gmail.com.